Tips for Long and Smooth Rides Just by Reviewing Your Car Tires.
When was the last time you had a full, complete check of your car tires? Indeed, nowadays people have the tendency to neglect something that for specialists is considered one of the most important systems on your vehicle due to the fact that it’s a direct influence on your car’s performance parameters like handling, acceleration, braking, and last but not least, ride comfort. Even more, a recent study showed that a significant percentage of car accidents are related to car tire problems. In order to avoid a major issue that might put your life in danger, here are a few tips of how to perform a regular check of your car tires:
The most important factor that causes tire damage is the amount of air (pressure) insight your car’s tire. Checking it on a regular basis will save you from big troubles later. There are a few ways to verify the tire pressure. If your car is newer than 2008, it should be equipped with tire pressure sensors that will notify you immediately. In case your car is older, the best and easiest way to do it is to check with your local car service and a specialist will verify your tire pressure. Arrowhead Towing is equipped with highly qualified personnel who will inform you about your car tires’ condition and give you the best advice. Another way is to do it yourself but, you have to keep in mind that the amount of air that supposes to be in a car tire is influenced by a number of factors like weather, car type, tire type, and many others so turning to your car service specialist will always be a smarter way. You can find us at 1121 Mebane Oaks Road, Mebane, NC 27302.
Another factor and usually the most obvious one, they are old. To check your car tires’ manufacturing date, you have to look for the manufacturing date code which is placed on the tire sidewall. Unfortunately, there is no expiration date so a rule of thumb will be not to purchase tires more than five years old. You also have to be careful not to install tires that have been sitting on a warehouse shelf for many years. The best approach is to visit a local towing company that is renowned for the best car tires like Arrowhead Towing. A specialist will inspect your car tires and he will present you with the best offer and the appropriate price. Change your car tires regularly to prevent any harm to you and your family.
Deterioration is a common agent that will make you retire that tire. The rubber is degraded mostly from road chemicals, ultraviolet light, and ozone. Even more, every tire contains special oils on the sidewalls that are designed to leak out slowly and protect the rubber. Using detergents and aftermarket protectants will prematurely remove those oils causing the tire to be more exposed to UV light. To check the degree of deterioration of your car tires inspect the sidewall for any cracks in the fabric. Alligator-look cracks are mostly considered normal, but if the crack continues down to the fabric sidewall plies then is time to change that tire as soon as possible.
They are damaged. When a leak occurs that means a foreign object penetrated the tire far enough to cause air loss and is a must for that tire to be taken off the rim and inspected by a tire technician. Be aware that an external applied plug or worm is a temporary fix. The insight of the carcass should be carefully checked for penetration, and a patch has to be applied to prevent water infiltration into the belt plies. These are mandatory things that have to be done by a specialist and to assure a proper repair we suggest you call us at (984) 280-3128 and schedule an appointment or simply pay us a visit at 1121 Mebane Oaks Road, Mebane, NC 27302, and let a professional deal with your car tires problems.
By performing these short steps, you can increase not only the smoothness of your car ride but also the performance factors of your vehicle. Pay attention to the car tires and when you decide that the situation has to be handled by a specialist don’t hesitate to contact the best one there is. For the most skilled tire technicians, lowest tire prices, and best advice, Arrowhead Towing is the right choice. Don’t let simple things like car tires revision influence your day-to-day routine and give you headaches later. Do it properly and on a regular basis and you might save a lot of effort.